Friday, April 8, 2011

You get what you ask for... sometimes

I ask my son for a piece of toilet paper so I can, in a very lady like way, blow all of the snot out of my schnoz.

I get this...

and on his second try, this...
and on his third and final try, this.
Editors Note: Only about five trees were killed in the capturing of this moment.

I ask for a pair of shoes to walk out the door with on a very average t shirt and capri jeans kind of outing.

I get these...
"See mom? They aren't just for your costume (think 80's party) they look pretty!"
Scarlet pouted about my final choice of flip flops for the rest of the outing.

I ask for some shoes to fit my son whose feet will not squeeze into a single pair of his shoes.

I get... cowboy boots!

"Thank you mom! Now I get to be a bad guy!"

Hold up.

"A bad guy? Rhode, cowboys can be good guys too!"

With his bad guy face on, "No mom, in these boots, I am a bad guy."

Definitely not what I asked for.

That's when I had almost given up hope and started actually doing things for myself...


I asked Jon if there was something we (ahem, he) could do to make our front courtyard a little more appealing.

I get...
Sod, gravel, two garden beds with their own drip system, and a whole lot of loveliness.


Just to see if my luck was changing, I ask if someone could keep me entertained while the men scampered away to Priesthood session last weekend.

I get... cookies. Lots and lots of cookies. And fantastic company.

The company.

And the cookies...
Honey Crisps
Red Hot Cinnamon Bark
Rolo Cookies
Ten Cup Cookies
Almond Joy Cookies (my favorite of the night)
Lemon Biscotti Cookies
Homemade Graham Cracker S'more Cookies (by me)
Cinnadoodle Cookies (also by me, and my second favorite)
Since it has worked thus far, anyone up for cleaning my bathrooms?

No Rhode, put your hand down. Anyone? Anyone?


Heidi Noel said...

So glad I avoided being in a photo. My top 2 favorites were the same as yours.

Kendall said...

Kacey, I love your blog! It is my favorite ever!!!


I agree with is always sooo ENTERTAINING!!! I can hear your voice in the background! You have the cutest kids!!!

Mindy said...

I love it! I'll clean your bathrooms, I really don't mind. :D
Let me know when you want them done.

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

Love it! Those are the most fantastic looking cookies ever. I say we include some recipes in our next post. haha I love asking Emree to get me things. I often get the same toilet effect and shoes. Then I end up doing everything myself.

Stacie said...

I'm sad my cookies are all gone...

Courtney said...

Really? You chose flip flops over those killer heals? I don't see why. Um and let's just talk about how talented your husband is. I love your courtyard! He may need to start his own "how-to" blog and I'll make sure my husband reads every single word!

Angie Larkin said...

I just died a little at the sight of all those cookies!! YUM! I miss my hood and my homegurlz. Hope to see your at Bennett's bday!