Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Glimpse at My Sunday Morning

A few thoughts.

What should I be more disgusted by? My son pretending he is my new self propelled vacuum and sucking up every morsel of who knows what he comes across? Or his new puppy enjoyment of chewing and gnawing on our shoes?

And after watching me get ready this morning, Scarlet pulled on a few items of clothes, spruced up her 'do, and declared, "Mom, I'n weady fo chuch!"

How is your Sunday morning going?


Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

You had time to blog on a Sunday morning?!! 1pm church really is the worst!! Trip loves shoes too, but luckily he just started where if he has something in his mouth I can say "yucky" and he will pull it out and hand it to me!!

Cassidy said...

hahaa. I love it. Megan is in the same mode. UGH. I hate watching the floor everywhere, trying to see what she'll possibly put in her mouth. The WORST place is church!! Seriously. THere are dead cockroaches EVERYWHERE in that building. Way gross.

Cali said...

I've had many similar sundays...

Mindy said...

I would have loved to see Scarlet show up at church that way. I hope you let her go like that so she knows you have confidence in her abilities. LOL. Jane still puts shoes in her mouth-ARG!! Can't help you there.

My Sunday morning started too early and ended with us still leaving late after we realized that Jane had not gotten herself dressed but was eating breakfast in her pjs at 8:45am. What was she thinking? You'd think she could get herself dressed by now. She is almost two. I mean I did do her hair the least she could have done was get dressed. :D

Peggy Dee said...

I agree, you should have allowed her to assert her independence and go to church that way! What a confidence builder that could have been!!

Angie Larkin said...

Ah...the knee socks were her idea eh? Love that little chub.