Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Everyone to your beds!

A momentous occasion in the Nielsen household, everyone slept in their own bedroom last night for the first time! I love everyone being in their rightful place. Since Rhode was born, we have kept his clothes in the baby room closet where Scarlet still slept while he slept in our closet. Scarlet's clothes were in the guest room closet while we worked on her room. Then we moved Rhode out of sleeping in our closet to sleeping in Scarlet's room in the pack n' play while Scarlet still slept in the crib and our clothes were in the guest room while we finished our closet. That about drove me crazy. Luckily, all chaos has been restored to its correct order and the world can continue on its usual course.

We finished Scarlet's room in time for her birthday complete with her own toddler bed but I made the unfortunate mistake of buying an IKEA bed and not buying the sheets with it. IKEA and their crazy sizes... Anyway, after a little creative sewing and velcro-ing, Scarlet's bed now had sheets so we decided to give it a go last night. I would say it was overall a successful venture. She went to bed without any hassle and didn't come out of her room. Jon left for work about 6:45 this morning and at about 7:15 I heard Blues Clues on downstairs. I peeked down the staircase and there was Scarlet sitting her usual two inches from the tv screen. I assumed Jon had turned them on for her before he left for work but he claims he didn't. So Scarlet somehow got the TV on and turned on the DVD player and pressed play. And she didn't seem to care in the slightest that she had not seen a single person in her family yet, as long as Blue was there to take care of her.

With Scarlet out of the crib, Rhode finally got to have a turn. For being such a good baby, he really is a terrible sleeper. He has slept through the night once in his entire six months of existence. Once! So we have moved on to 'cry it out' phase. Wow is he stubborn. It has been a week now and he still gets up every 3-4 hours and screams like a banshee for a half an hour or more before finally crying himself to pure exhaustion sleep. I'm getting tired just thinking about it. I am up for suggestions if anyone has some! I am also willing to loan out a very cute and cuddly 6 month old from the hours of 8 p.m. - 7 a.m. every night. Anyone? Anyone?


Kim said...

No suggestions here...except get a good book to read at night. That's what I did while Elsie was crying it out! He'll figure it out soon. I'll cross my fingers for you. :)

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

Okay the fact that Rhode doesn't sleep through the night scares me... I thought I wouldn't have to be nocturnal that long, but it looks like it may be endless... ah!

Cassidy said...

When you figure out how to get him to sleep, let me know!!! Meg is doing the EXACT thing! Is it a second child thing??? Ahhhhhh.

Peggy Dee said...

Scarlet in a bed already - you are brave! I think most of you kids were 3 by the time you moved into a bed. We were lucky that we didn't have too many climbers. We were not anxious to let them have their freedom, but I'm sure she'll do great! I'll take Rhode!!

Samantha and Tyrel Ross said...

sorry I don't have any tips I have been lucky to have both kids sleep so well and if I ever had to do cry it out they would only cry for like 15-20min.

Lori said...

No advice here---only lots of empathy. One time Jordan cried for over two hours before I gave in, it was contest to see who was more stubborn. Danielle finally slept through the night when she was three. Good Luck and try to nap!

Kristi H. said...

Kacey, can I just say I love your blog? I hear your voice in my head as I read it. You write exactly as if you were speaking it. I love it!

Also, I have to tell you that I have shown like 6 different people that have visited my house in recent days your blog, just to show them all of Rhode's rolls.

Stinks about the no sleep thing. Crying it out is the right thing to do... just hopefully it won't take him long to get the idea!

lysh said...

I got tired just reading your post. And I was feeling sorry for myself having to get up early to go watch my nieces.

Brandon and Emily Esparza said...

Kacey, I have to say I must have an angel child....or perhaps it's the little aquarium my sister got from target. Easton sleeps from 7:30 pm till 2 am and then after a quick bottle and diaper change falls right to sleep until 7 am. It's quite amazing. It definetly wasn't this way before, he screamed one night for 3 hours before falling asleep...now he just turns it on whenever he needs..it's called the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Soother and i'm sure you can find it at Target or any other baby store for around $40.00 well worth it in my opinion. It's been a sleep savor for us!!

Earl Family said...

Hang in there honey. Abigail is by far my most stubborn and it has taken many ( did I say MANY?) hours of crying to get that girl to sleep through the night. Oh, it is worth it now. She sleeps peacefully through the night and it is complete bliss. YOU CAN DO IT!