Luckily I captured the night on film so all can bask in our adorableness.
This was our clothesline with little onesies for our new mom, also featured in the picture.
Cynthia (above, niece of Sharon McConkie for all who might care to know) wasn't due to have her little girl until the middle of March. But at 33 weeks, the doctors found fluid in her lungs so little Eliza Jane had to come out the next day. She is still in the NICU but all is looking well and she should be coming home in the next few weeks.
Eliza totally ruined our first shower date by her untimely arrival (you would think newborns would be more cooperative) but we forgave her and had the party a little later. We had a table with pictures of the new tiny little bundle and this book for guests to write their best baby advice.
The opposite wall was adorned with this amazing creation.
And then, there was the food.
'Is that a fruit and cheese platter' you say? Yes, yes it is. There were also fruit topped cheesecake tarts and crackers added to the display later. And the lovely decantur at the end of the table was filled with what turned into a surprisingly good batch of strawberry lemonade made with actual strawberry puree.
After some lovely chatting and the round of ooh's and aah's as Cynthia opened her gifts, the guests were then invited create their own thank you bag from our candy bar.
So dang cute right? All of the truly adorable creations (ie. the book, banner, etc.) were all completely the work of Ashley. The only crafty thing I can claim is the heart blanket and all I did was pay a woman to add the name, but it turned out so well I am claiming full credit anyway.
My bragging time is officially finished. Now you may praise me.