I was wandering through my kitchen this evening trying to find something to eat. As I went through my usual options, I was reminded about my favorite grocery store items that have just made my life fabulous and I thought I would share them.
1 - English Toasting Bread from Wal-Mart. It's in the bakery section of Wal-Mart near the rolls and cakes and stuff. It's sooo good. It tastes just like english muffins only in toast form. Throw some butter and homemade jam on that and you've got heaven in toast form.
2 - Uncooked Tortillas from Costco. Now I didn't really discover these, I heard about them from Sam Miller but they are delicious. Take less than a minute to cook and all tortilla-involved dishes taste ten times better.
3 - Dreyers French Silk Ice Cream - It's one of the 1/2 fat ones but I think it is really good. Great chocolate flavor with a little bit of mocha taste for those who are coffee flavor fans.
I thought of some other ones earlier and my mind is just blanking...
Darn, was gonna attach a cute pic but it won't load. Will later
I haven't tried any of these items but I am so going to the store today to get them. They sound totally yummy. You would think that the fact I go to Walmart like everyday would mean I had at least tried the english toasting bread before.
Those tortillas are the best. ( I was going to type da bomb...but I don't think the kids are saying that these days hahaaaa) I love them. But beware people don't try them if you ever want to buy normal tortillas again. You won't be able to. Kacey...a girl that blogs about food....that is a girl after my own heart. We must be related. I love it.
You are so welcome.
I have tried those tortillas before, but I never remember to buy them when I am at Costco. Next time, I am getting some. Nummy!
You crack me up. I wish I had some favorite grocery store items! I hate grocery shopping. Thanks for the tips though!!
oh man, i tried those tortillas once when i was babysitting my girls in rexburg, they were dang good, i didn't know where to get them, so good to note, COSTCO!!
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